
Friday, January 25, 2019

The Reason I Write Poetry

a glimpse of this poem's persuasion...
as I gazed out where the sun and wind had whipped the yard
into blue and white still-life masterpiece the delight was more than mere body could contain!

 Wood-pecker patiently waiting his turn...
We've enjoyed a non-stop feather-flurry at the feeders today!

above and below, finches, junco, chick-a-dee
above, nuthatch, below, mourning dove
above, lunch-rainbow, below, winter-picnic

for love of white canvas soft-feathered with blue
for sparkle of laughter, for friendship of you
for joy of day breaking and waking within
the love a lifetime of ways to begin
for gladness and sadness captured tenderly
this is the reason I write poetry

for love of a flower, a bower, a bird
for Beauty too rare to be wrested by word
for fancy and fact and matters in between
for nature's kaleidoscopic bronze-gold-green
for all that has been and all that waits to be
for right here, right now, I write poetry

for love of the picture that hides in a pen
for trying to find it again and again
for ballads still silent in ink-fettered bars
for landscapes a-dazzle with diamonds and stars
for moments too grand to let lapse back to sea
this is the reason I write poetry

to honor the shadow that climbs twilight's hill
to dally in meadows to feel freedom's thrill
to spread out a picnic in spite of the snow
beside home-sweet fires beneath a lamp's glow
to wrangle with whispers and then set them free
this is the reason I write poetry

to rhumba, to tango, slow-dance, waltz, foxtrot 
to fly to the moon on a pontoon of thought
to touch you though miles make you seem out of reach
to wander in winter a warm wave-washed beach
to treasure the pleasure of fond memory
 this is the reason I write poetry 

faint semblance of summer though stiff north gales blow
dandelion constellation-studded snow
half-shut-eye half-havens of dusk's dewy mist
dumb-struck elation of creation frost-kissed
reveling in endless possibility
this is the reason I write poetry

Janet Martin

Happy January 25th!
a month past Christmas!

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!