
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Sweet, Glorious May

 Hard-work heaven, like a bud barely riven, is about to break wide open!
Welcome, sweet, sweet glorious May, the gateway to summery sweeps!!!

 For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. 
The flowers appear on the earth, 
the time of singing has come, 
and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.
 Song of Solomon 2:11-12

May: expectation and appreciation's prime time!
 ( pics of expectation-fuel from last May)

Where air melds amber heavens to a landscape sere and still
Where solitude of twilight tunes the heart to ‘peace, be still’
Where orchestral, glad birdsong fills a stage of barren limb
Where earth is poised to burst into a ‘holy-holy’ hymn

…where waiting is rewarded as the woodland meek and brown
Is decked in celebration with a gleaming, emerald crown
Where soon the grace of seed-borne lace will clothe the dormant sod
Where earth is like a showcase filled with miracles from God

Where we of human nature too oft swayed by what we see
Are happy to bear witness to Spring’s floral majesty
Where coral, purple, carmine, yellow beams from mounds of mud
Where glad gardeners pause to glimpse heaven inside each bud

Where hope is set at ease a bit as winter is subdued
Where vigor is restored; the grit of farmer’s faith renewed
Where elixir of dirt and dust delight’s the planter’s pride
As May, sweet glorious May returns to deck the countryside

© Janet Martin


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!