
Saturday, November 18, 2017

I Meant To Say 'I Love You'

 PAD prompt 17: For today’s prompt, write a “what I meant to say” poem. As someone who takes his time to consider what to say, I often find myself in this position of knowing what I meant to say…after the moment has passed. If you’ve ever been in that position, here’s your chance to write out what you meant to say.

 um, I haven't told Matt yet...
I forgot to bring in his hockey equipment last night:(
( post script; when Victoria saw this photo she shrieked so I showed her what I wrote about it below then she laughed, choosing to 'embrace' as well, instead of clean...for now:)

Dear son, I meant to say I love you
by airing out your hockey equipment for you,
but then I left it in the rain...

 Dear daughter, instead of saying 'I love you so much'
I asked you to clean up your room

Hubby, why does my 'I love you' come out
too easily misunderstood
because somehow it didn't sound quite like
I know it could or should

...and God, why is it easier to spout love
in poesy-sweet rhymes
Oh, oh, no small wonder I blush
when I think of all the times
I shut the door
 or shut The Book
or shut my eyes
and ears
to Your love
ever faithful
through my tantrums, fears and tears today I pray for ways to tell again
to those whose lives I touch
"I love you" (with no 'buts' attached)
So very, very

Janet Martin

.. so He nudged me to walk over to Victoria and give her a big hug, right where she was,
and tell her "I love you very much" so I did, much to her puzzlement
so, I told her what I was writing
and how I don't tell her in plain 'I love you' language nearly enough, that I do!
AND...I didn't tell her to clean up her room but chose to embrace Her expressions of
loving the life she lives;-)

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!