
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Thankful...To He Who Scatters Periwinkle Petal-stars On Grass

To He who scatters periwinkle, petal-stars on grass
And tunes galactic elements where cosmic orbs amass
Yet left His throne supernal to put on the flesh of man

To purchase soul-salvation; hope for mortal sin-cursed hoards
…who would not disregard proud, hard-hearted hypocrisy
Of those who taught the Law but hated love’s humility

…who walked among the people and talked of A Better Way
How love, not Law would prove discipleship of heart and mind

To He, though throngs despised him for His fearless reprimands
 Their hatred, like storm-maddened skies, blood-thirsty with revenge
Insisted on a sacrifice they could not comprehend

To He, Lion of Judah led like a Lamb to death’s cross
With the cry ‘it is finished’ vanquished Guilt’s fixed albatross
As colors He created when He stated ‘let there be

To who overcame the grave and waved aside the Stone
That could not seal the Triumph of Father, Thy will be done
To He who proved the victory bought through obedience

We thank Him, Father, Son and Spirit, only faith can know

© Janet Martin


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!