
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Awed By God

Yesterday at the eye doctor I was introduced to a more in-depth look at the human eye;
...its complexity an incomprehensible miracle! 
(if you are interested do your own research!)
Here are a few links...
 I'm sure each sense, when explored, would fully awe!

Colossians 1:16
For in Him all things were created, 
things in heaven and on earth, 
visible and invisible, 
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. 
All things were created through Him and for Him.

The handiwork of He who cups
The magnitude of life and death
Stuns us where livings downs and ups
Spill to a stage that steals our breath

He shakes above earth’s hills and lakes
Blush, blue, gray heavens, ethereal
And everywhere we look He wakes
The essence of life’s miracle

The energies of wind and rain
Of sun and night and day declare
The manifestation of Him
Jehovah-God is everywhere

Human is not born atheist
Consider the eye’s grand design
…how it beholds gold, amethyst
Of bloom that bobs on breeze-strummed vine

Of trees that lob their leafy lay
Until its season-song is stripped
Where height and depth of day-to-day
Is star-frothed, cloud-clothed, flower-dipped

Beneath our feet a wonder-world
Is unfurled; viral, teeming sod
Is meadow-crowned and dew-drop pearled
Twig, petal, sprig and leaf applaud

Then pray for eyes that truly see
And ears that hear more than mere sounds
For mouths to sing the Majesty
Of He where-from all joy abounds

…and pray that we do not become
Numb to the place where posies nod
Lest, distracted by sorrow’s sum  
We forget to be awed by God
© Janet Martin

Well, it's off to the garden where the beaming beet-row is begging to be thinned out a bit;-)

1 comment:

I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!