
Friday, May 26, 2017

Glorious and Majestic Are His Deeds

Dawn drapes its silver cape across the waking countryside
Life’s leap of faith is graced with backdrops deigned to preach and praise
The Artist of time’s color-skeins unravels mercy’s tide
Where gray or gold will not deter His love that meters days

What myriad of masterpieces chides mankind’s complaints
Look down; look up, creation’s cup of kindness overflows
It bestows to the bedrock, where oft-times man’s spirit faints
A plethora of wonderment no mortal could compose

The fount of beauty’s blessing surges with the splurge of spring
We, perched upon a pedestal showcasing love at large
Are ravished with the lavish expressions and offerings
Of God who, rich in mercy grants His glory at no charge

© Janet Martin

I was humming the song below while I posted this 
(posting with a better-late-than-never attitude these days)
and  little girl of two asked me
'how you know dat sing'
and I replied, "I learned it long ago"
'how you lewn it?' was the immediate response
"I learned it by hearing it over and over"

"Dear Lord, let what our youngsters learn from us,
(because they hear it over and over)
be honoring to You!"

1 comment:

I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!