
Friday, April 7, 2017

Near and Dear, The Name of Jesus

Homework Assignment for our Writer's Group; 
write about something/Someone near and dear to you...  

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, 
because he will save his people from their sins."

Near and dear
The grace of Jesus
Life and light and victory
Faithful friend
His Presence eases
Fear, despair, uncertainty

Near and dear
The love of Jesus
What a promise we receive
From death’s curse
His mercy frees us
At the moment we believe

Near and dear
The hope of Jesus
Faith, for sight is far too dim
Still, His whisper
Gently pleases
All who put their trust in Him  

Near and dear
The name of Jesus
As upon His name we call
Satan, his
Darkness releases
Jesus, grace, love, hope for all

© Janet Martin

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