
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sonnets on Something Special

We are not bound by what we know or see
The come and go of days oft intercedes
And rouses from the dust of yester-deeds
The common grace of possibility
…a lithe-footed momentum, this ‘oh my’
A blip of eighth-notes in a serenade
They linger for a little ere they fade
Upon the effervesce of by-and-by
To place beneath our trip-and-stumble feet
The mercy of a brand-new music sheet
Where, if we have learned anything at all
We should try not to repeat the same fall


The Composer of Morning is no fraud
He knows and sees beyond our meager gaze
This consortium of deftly-numbered days
Is a most sacred grace from Holy God
And human race, privy to more than dust
After the gusto of hope-trust is through
Is commended by He to be and do
The best we can with man’s commanded Must
Left heaven’s throne to break the curse of death
...the Marksman of the grave cannot annul
Who Jesus came to save; debt paid in full


The sun breaks through yon blue with perfect poise
Today, the prey of possibility
And what waits in its wing no one can see
Save He who commandeers spheres, but not choice
We, with Surety of unfailing love
Ought to pursue more than earth’s mortal clime
Beyond this pitfall-riddled grace called Time
God waits, Alpha and Omega to prove
Then pray we do not overlook the Hand
Scarred by the sacrifice of love’s command
But with joy of forgiveness press toward
The place of ‘face to face with our Lord’

© Janet Martin

Let’s not get too caught up in head-lines.
Let’s be informed, but not consumed!
For there is a much greater Purpose to be served...

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. 
And what does the LORD require of you? 
To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8 

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