
Friday, December 23, 2016

Of-From God...

 A stunning start to time's newest love...
Let's celebrate...not just because it's Christmas but because its Love of-from God to us!

It lights the wick that lights the quick
Of living’s highs and lows
Sometimes it is a thorny prick
Sometimes it is a rose

It turns the other cheek; a meek
-and-mildness; always right
Quick to forgive and slow to speak
Those words that wound or slight

It drives us to our knees with pleas
Yet reaches for the sky
And through patient humility
It teaches us to fly

It bore the birth of lowly earth
And death upon a cross
It pours in us life’s holy worth
…a sacred albatross

It helps, it hopes, it spills hard ‘asks’
A flask of smiles and tears
That makes glorious, homely tasks
And second-mile veneers

It is not always realized
Or recognized as such
This hard-soft-wounding-healing-prized
Oft misunderstood touch

It wears the name of Jesus, oh,
Demons quake, saints applaud
It bears the sweetest claim we know
It is love; of-from God

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!