
Monday, December 5, 2016

A More-Than-Christmas Prayer


A Wonderful Christmas Poem performed  by Johnny Cash. (we miss you, Johnny)

Teach us to make love more than a season we celebrate
Lord, let it be our way of life before it is too late
The hunger of this world is more than bellies lacking food
It wails for love; the kind that proves itself in humble good
The kind that gives and does not count its sacrifice as much
The kind that turns a blind eye to our glaring faults and such
The kind that stoops to help the one that flounders in life’s dirt
Instead of hurling stones and adding to their shame and hurt
Lord, teach us to be quiet when riot of words increase
So when this Christmas season passes; still, there will be peace
And help us recognize our fellowman as family
Let no one be a stranger when it comes to serving Thee
After this Christmas season, let the Love we celebrate
Be more than decoration that we pack into a crate

© Janet Martin


  1. Yes indeed. So true.
    Johnny Cash always reminds me of Sean now as he loves him too:)

    1. :) nice! There was an 18 yr. old in the Scott Woods show on Sat. night wholoves Johnny Cash and sounded a lot like him!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!