
Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Psalm of Joy

Thank-you Benjy, for sharing a poem I wrote entitled Miracle on your blog today

Oh Lord, you broke the dark. Your light
Before all things, obeyed
Then, moon and stars to rule by night
And sun to rule by day

Oh Lord, you filled Void with your Word
Creating bird and flow’r

You shake the firmaments with awe
You drape the air where dusk and dawn
Are Someone to behold

Summer, winter, springtime and fall
Where earth is like a banquet hall
And man, the guest in it

Oh Lord, there is none greater, no
You stoke the seed from whence fruits flow
To succor Need’s wellspring

You spoke and broke Vast Nothingness
Drew miracles from dirt
To mankind’s mortal hurt

Oh Lord, you took pity on us
Cursed with sin’s guilt and shame
And freely gave Your Son, Jesus
Salvation’s sacred Name

Oh Lord, You broke the dark. Your Light
Before all things, obeyed
Love paid sin’s debt with blood whereby
All sinners can be saved

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!