
Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Poem For Newlyweds

As you begin living the dream
I hope that you will find
What you’ve been looking for and more
At each other’s side

As love unfolds its years
I hope that they will be
A melding of laughter and tears
In home-sweet harmony

As you begin living the dream
I hope you vow each day
To woo each other with kindness
Come whatsoever may

Then, as the gray and gold
Of seasons coalesce
I hope and pray that they will hold
A life of happiness

© Janet Martin

A verse for marriage ...and everything else too

Be kind, one to another,
forgiving one another
even as God, for Christ's sake
has forgiven you.

Eph. 4:32

Two weddings this weekend and thus, two of our nephews begin life with their brides:)
After their honeymoons both couples will return home to the busy life of dairy-farming.
This poem is my wedding-wish for them.

1 comment:

I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!