
Friday, May 13, 2016

Of Garden and Child

One way to grow a garden
One way to grow a child
…by being there in person
Or else it will run wild

© Janet Martin

...tonight my vegetable garden got tilled and ready for planting!!
(needed to wait 2 weeks for my lovely neighbor to return home from a trip to Pa. to visit his daughter:)
...and within a few hours of his return here he was!
 Nothing quite excites me like this canvas...sort of like a Christmas Eve thrill in May
Flower-garden digging is put on hold!


  1. Love this simple poem. I am also reminded that growing both garden and child also requires a good deal of time on ones knees.

    1. true! my knees are SO sore right now!!;-)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!