
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Breath of Days (AUBADE)

Poetic Bloomings blooms with the Aubade today 

Like a grand, golden trumpet the sun heralds break of day
Beneath heaven-set timing zephyr-violinists play
The birth of time’s fresh offspring fills the hills of earth with praise
As all creation sings a hymn to the Maestro of days

The table on the east lays out its feast of daily Bread
The poor and rich alike are at the mercy of time’s Head
The wise will recognize Love’s grace that grants the sacred ‘yes
That lights the day that lights the way that none have traveled yet

The crimson lily blushes and the brook in yonder mead
Like pink platinum ribbon binds the green bank to its thread
The woodland bursts with jubilee where feather-throated throng
Without a care gild dawn’s young air with nature’s purest song

How lovely is the hope that spills beyond the reach of earth
Save in the prayer that climbs the air that chimes with virgin birth
Ah, holy, holy, holy brims from lowly hearts of men
Where Hallelujah overflows time’s cup of woes again

© Janet Martin

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