
Saturday, April 16, 2016

A Hint of Green....

 We are well on the way to this...
...and this
...and this

A hint of green tints somber hill
The dale, long bare and brown
Begins a hallelujah trill
To warm-welcome spring’s crown

We know not what a day contains
But we know this one thing
As long, God, said, as earth remains
Winter will yield to spring

The moan and groan of gale will pale
For in the undertows
That toss tall trees and rend earth’s veil
Time’s grail pours out a rose

We, bundled against winter’s ways
Where we shivered so long
Are all choristers now, we raise
Spring’s hallelujah song

…and forgive every fretting hour
That nearly wore us thin
Where every breeze is primed with flow’r
And every mouth with grin

A hint of green tints dream-rich days
The barren dale and hills
Begin spring’s hallelujah praise
That only summer stills

© Janet Martin


  1. Hello, Janet :) the hints of green are beginning to show their face everywhere, it seems :) beautifully written as always.

    1. thank-you:) the only thing that comes close to the exhilaration of those first hints of green is a soft snowfall on Christmas Eve!!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!