
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Love's Sacred Serenade...

Catered to life’s human quest
Morning stirs the world from rest
Granting us, full-free of charge
A whole brand-new day at large

Soon it too will join the Deep
Where its predecessors sleep
Now it lends its pleading sigh
To the touch of you and I

Before the door to farewell
Tolls the darkness like a bell
Pray as through yon blue, hours sift
We will tender well, their gift

For, after its corpse is laid
Into vaults of Memories Made
We cannot undo the done
That has now barely begun

Morrow, none can guarantee
 Only this; eternity
And Love’s sacred serenade
Of Today the Lord has made

© Janet Martin

What do you hope your Today will allow?
I'm hoping to get some Christmas baking completed,
some gifts wrapped,
some decorating done at the church,
some supper served to HUNGRY boys that come on Thursdays after school.

Those boys always bring lots of humor to life;
Last week I was treated to a nine-year-old's analysis on nutrition:
" I like the way it is at your house, he said, because you can't taste the health but you know it's there!"(referring to everything we pointed out that came from the garden)
He continued, "It's not like eating a cucumber. when you eat cucumber all you can taste is....cucumber!"

...and I envy him the innocent pleasure of the miracle that butter and cheese brings to 'healthy' cooking;-)

 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!