
Friday, September 25, 2015

Of Daybreaks and Nightfalls...

The fabric of new day unfolds from heaven’s waning hem
And teases the dark edge of night with gold; its diadem
Dissolves where morning crowns the infancy of what will be
On morrow’s birth, Lord willing, yesterday and History

We, offspring of God’s mercy, (though it seems we oft forget)
Traverse its tide of moments and we cannot rush ahead
Or decline invitations hung upon dawn’s beaming tress
Day breaks, night falls; we rend time’s halls for hope and happiness

The rubric of a lifetime fits in these two elements
The quadrille of seasons entices us to brave its dance
Day breaks, night falls, and in between the birth and death of dates
We push against the odds, pursuing what love celebrates

Time traipses through the stars then falls beneath our learning touch
Fear-stricken and love-smitten we admit there is too much
That we cannot control so we console the circuit of
Daybreak-nightfall with prayer then hold the hands of those we love

Day breaks the sky with what has never been like this before
A virgin sheaf of moments spills from God's will to earth's shore
And (though it seems we oft forget) Time begets holy calls
That we should answer full and well before night's dark cloth falls

© Janet Martin

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