
Friday, August 7, 2015

Praise God From Whom Hope Flows

Praise God from Whom all blessing flows
He breaks the bud that holds the rose
He tends the fallow where the grain
Is nurtured by His sun and rain

Praise God from Whom Time’s blessing pours
He cups its sea twixt eon’s shores
And curls the vine bent low with fruit
Where Nature obeys His statute

Praise God from Whom earth’s tray is spread
With little loaves of daily bread
Where man depends upon His grace
And no one else can take His place

Praise God from Whom the dawn is lent
Of summer, winter, fall and spring
Let all the mouths of mortal sing

Praise God in Whom man puts His trust 
He places merit in his dust
Praise God Who, when this life grows dim
Has purchased a Way back to Him

© Janet Martin


  1. Of course, after the first line, I realized i could sing this (in my head, since I'm starting my work day!) to the traditional Doxology - so thank you for a perfect morning hymn to cap off thankful prayers that started the day.

    1. p-s-s-st...just between you and me...your post Almost Ready inspired it! Thank-you for joining in the praise to the One and Only True God from Whom all blessing flows!

      When I saw your picture of tomatoes (yum!) and gazed out across a land teeming with bounty and color of harvest my heart felt like it was going to burst in my chest, with thankfulness!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!