
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Of Home's Humble Happiness

After dropping my daughter's friend off at her home tonight and picking up groceries I returned to stare at my CHAOTIC kitchen to tidy up, mop floors, do dishes...and leave the rest for another day after a big day of peach-canning! In spite of all its short-comings,still home is the best place in the world, isn't it?

Shielded from eyes that would criticize
Home is a God-granted paradise

Here in the comfort of domestic mirth
God opens windows of heaven to earth

Safe from the hurrying, worrying throng
Home is a haven of laughter and song

Wealth gleams in piles of soiled laundry and such
Here children learn beneath mother’s soft touch

…and midst the clatter of everyday noise
Women and men emerge from girls and boys

Here, though the cares of life must have their way
Home is an alter where we bow to pray

…pray we remember Whose hands kindly bless
And thank Him for home’s humble happiness

© Janet Martin


  1. I love a busy kitchen and the meaning behind it.

    1. me too:) Thinking of you a lot this week and last as you adjust back to school days!

  2. :) thank-you. I'll be dropping by your place later because I saw two words I love...simple things;-)...right now I'm finishing up peaches. We didn't get time to do the peach-pie fill for the freezer yesterday.

  3. Oh, and just look at all those rows of gold and amber treasure lining your counters. Just saying the word, peaches, conjures a sense of richness and well-being.

    1. :0 it is a word unto itself, no? as for my well-being, it improved tremendously after some dish-suds and mop-moves;)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!