
Thursday, May 7, 2015

We Call It Spring

"I love this shade of green against this shade of blue", sighed Victoria, tilting her head to taste this thing that we call spring... 

All misty-eyed the morning woke
And breathed on bonded bud that broke
To gild the limb with hymns of green
Where once stricken stillness had been
Before the glad awakening
Of earth’s re-birth that we call spring

All whisper-soft and warm the air
Drew from the crypt of storm, a prayer
Where earth becomes a Living Room
And every hill, a Thing of Bloom
And every tree a kind of king
Crowned with a jubilee called Spring

Then humankind, once dull and blue
Becomes a little gladder too
For where the air was clad with cold
It beams and streams in reams of gold
And Living is A Lovely Thing
Kissed with the bliss that we call spring

© Janet Martin

Could you pray for Karen, suddenly bed-ridden once again in this most wonderful weather?! Dave is still undergoing appointments without diagnosis, but he is feeling a lot better! thank-you all who pray/prayed!

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!