
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Message for Monday to Sunday

Click on image to enlarge...

We should not envy others
Nor by that Want enslave
Our thought with burdens not from God
Forgetting what we have

All we have has been given
No boast has anyone
On this walkway from earth to heaven
But this; God sent His Son

Then we should not complain;
Has any suffered more
Than He who made a way for us
From earth to heaven’s shore?

This flesh is not a god
Its temple, dust to dust
If we complain and envy we
Forget to praise and trust

No one is less or more
In the grace-sight of He
Who leans to earth from heaven's door
In holy sympathy

Thus, instead of complaint
Or envying or boast
We should fill our mouths with praise
To He who loves us most

© Janet Martin


  1. "No one is Less or More". How spiritually perfect. We are all just on equal ground. Happy Sunday.

  2. Hi Monica, don't you hate when we or others forget that?!

    Wishing you a happy Sunday too...been thinking of you in love and prayers.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!