
Monday, December 29, 2014

But Then, From Common Pen...

Oh, bitty ink we shape to word
Oh, type-print tears and smiles
You shape the hugs where thought is stirred
To reach across the miles

You light the wick that sparks the dream
You transport meager thought
To places we have never been
By meandering jot

You paint the bank beside the brook
In winter-gilded sage
Or fling a flower-furnished nook
Upon a barren page

You make us brave, foolish or wise
Oh, word, what will you be?
As ink-drops rise to mammoth-size
For all the world to see

…for once you were a hidden slur
But then, from common pen
You shaped, for good or ill, the curve
That shapes the thoughts of men

Then, what momentous might you wield
For who knows where you go?
Or who will be touched by the yield
Where word-formed whispers flow?

I tremble as the hand is stirred
Who can its reach portend?
As touch shapes hidden thought to word
Oh, who can know its end?

Lord, hold the hand that holds the pen
And let our beacon shine
Your Word within our words; amen
And all the glory thine

© Janet Martin


  1. Well-worded reminders for the New Year that 'to whom much is given', there are expectations, and that, as the vaunted Rosencrantz said, "... many wearing rapiers are afraid of goose-quills and dare scarce come thither." (Hamlet, Shakespeare).
    Thank you for sharing the fruit of your humble, striving steward's heart.

    1. Cyndy, thank-you. You are such a blessing in my life...treating and stretching my thought with many words I've never these ' "... many wearing rapiers are afraid of goose-quills and dare scarce come thither."
      ...and with a daily 'picture worth a thousand words'! God bless you in 2015 as you shine for Him.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!