
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Of Think-land and Ink

We blink, the murky ink of dreamland dissipates; the stars
Like sun-sparkles on midnight’s lake alight on other shores
And now we think ahead to fit the unknowns to our Knowns
Not able to forecast the layout of its stepping stones

So many me-me-mes push, push to be our number one
And oh, we think-think-think, but thought alone gets nothing done
Our more-or-lesses are not more than other wars oft fought
The birthing room of the unknown trembles beyond our thought

The mind is never satisfied; its greedy appetite
Slams us with life’s fresh flavors; we must choose which fruit to bite
For wrong and right are not a hoax; thought’s aftermath the road
That future generations fight and cover with their blood

We blink. The ink of think-think-think drips from primed and poised pens
The more we live the less we know, it seems, but then again
With mouths wide open we inhale and never choke on gold
God tips Time’s ephemeral grail into our hollow hold

We drink. Hope’s highway to the stars is paved with the success
Of rebounding by heaven’s grace from shame and recklessness
Our wide eyes reach but cannot fit unknowns against our knowns
But trust the One who lays His grip beneath Love’s steppingstones

© Janet Martin

 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Ps.19:14


  1. That photo jumped out at me! Beautiful shot!
    Hope your week is going well. What amazing weather!

  2. Today is much better since I returned from 3 hr. dentist appointment:-) Thank-you.

    I 'caught' this photo as I was headed out to the fence to get a different one, the sun glinting like a diamond caught in the leaves!!

    We are having such perfect weather.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!