
Thursday, September 25, 2014

From Sack-cloth and Ashes...

Oh that vanity would be purged from me like vomit
Oh, that pride and envy would follow suit
And oh, that what would come from it were love
Flourishing and bearing fruit

Oh, that Self would be less and others more
Second only to God
And oh, that He would have dominion and be Lord
To more than second thought

Then oh, that I would be guilty
Of nothing but a thirst
To put me in my rightful place
Of God and others first

Oh, that Satan would buffet me
Only to find alas,
That ONE far, far greater than he
No longer lets him laugh

…and oh, that when I lay me down
To sleep where eons pour
That I have prayed the Lord to keep
My soul and nothing more

© Janet Martin

I think its reading through Job right now that sort of roused a personal lament/longing in me…

 what will I do when God confronts me?
    What will I answer when called to account?

Job 31:14

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