
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Our 'Yes-agains'

...a glimpse of my 'yes-agains' :)

What are you going to do tomorrow, hubby asked last night when he called, and I told him I’d really like to get caught up on laundry if the weather is nice and hoe the garden and clean the house a little more thoroughly. Again?  he asked and I said’ yes, again’... 

Isn’t everyone’s lives made up of ‘yes-agains?’ He drives to Green Bay, Wisconsin or New Jersey…again; most people go to work again, What a gift those ‘yes-agains’ are!

Yes, yes-again God you have lent
From midnight’s dark, Time, morning-bent
Grace re-implores with gifted ‘whens’
To employ our ‘yes-agains’
For this day, swift and soon forsook
Pens a new page in our life-book

Oh, not for naught do we embark
From this primed port of waning dark
For Past is more than moments bared
Or more than gathered hours shared
We write with far, far-reaching pens
Where God stores our ‘yes-agains’

Yes, yes-again we pray ‘Lord keep’
Yes, yes-again we work, laugh, weep
Yes, yes-again we want, wish, wait
Scrub, sweep and sing; somewhere a Gate
Swings on hinges we cannot hear
When it shuts This will disappear

Holy, sacred and awesome charge
As ‘yes-agains’ fill up our barge Faithfulness in minute scale
Falls in mute ‘yes-again’ regale
Lord, grant us then each day that we
Employ our ‘yes-agains’ for Thee

© Janet Martin

 Isaiah 57:15
For this is what the high and exalted One says-- he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.

Hallelujah, through Him we can carry on in our yes-agains!


  1. Life is full of many chances to still do the laundry again and see the wonderful view out the kitchen your photos have a wonderful home and an amazing view out your kitchen window. :-)

  2. It is a big window with a great view. Some years ago when we did home renovations the contractor asked if I want more cupboards because they could install a smaller window and increase my limited cupboard space. i quickly assured him the window will stay; that i prefer daylight and the view to cupboard space. He understood!
    Seasons in all their glory pass by my kitchen window...where I perform countless yes-agains:)

  3. What beautiful and wise thoughts! So many of our "yes, agains" are privileges, really. I mean, at least we have children whose laundry we must do---we could be childless. Washing dishes means we have had food to eat---we could be starving. Driving to a job means we have one---we could be unemployed. It's in realizing that our "yes, agains" are blessings that we become thankful people.

    Blessings to you,

  4. ...and thankfulness brings happiness.

    Thank-you Patti, for those thoughts~


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!