
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Little Life-Lyric

Rooster scratches in the dirt
Politicians spar
Love endures both joy and hurt
Son gets his first car
…Daddy walks down memory-lane
Where youth escaped somewhere
Between toil’s pleasure- stippled pain
And twilight’s rocking-chair

Cat sprawls in the morning glare
School-bus crawls away
And wedding-gowns are hanging where
A baby used to play
Apple trees shed petal-song
And mother sheds a tear
For what yet is and what is gone
And what must disappear

Creek flows chartreuse over moss
Road-rage results in death
Dentist tells patients to floss
Casket wears baby’s breath
War, dream, first dance and dirge converge
The old is new again
Summer unfolds spring’s budded splurge
The farmer prays for rain

Fashion-fame-fortune’s futile flaunt
Struggles to re- impress
Flowers bloom, wild in woodland haunt
Mankind seeks happiness
In churches, markets, lovers, home
Want stains earth's soil, blood-red
Beneath the city hobos roam
In search of daily bread

Rooster scratches in the dirt
Politicians spar
Love endures both joy and hurt
Time, its peace and war
Holding on and letting go
Ceaseless metronome
Centuries rise to melt like snow
God is on His throne

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!