
Friday, May 16, 2014

Soft-subtle, Like the Touch of Time

Soft-subtle, like the touch of Time
Spring-green transforms the barren scope
And where the landscape dull and brown
Waited, it wears a robe of Hope

We cannot see a moment move
But in the looking back 'tis when
We realize the potence of
Life’s little moments gathered then

Somehow the looking back allows
Us to weigh moments in our hold
Ephemeral powerhouse
Inhale, exhale, gray and gold

Need and greed rival and prove
Not in some monumental WOW
But in moments, our truest love
As touch of Time its truth bestows

How mightily a moment moves
From here to there in soundless sweep
How constantly its passage proves
We have an awesome charge to keep

© Janet Martin

Hubby calls and sort of apologizes for not trying to get a cheaper deal on an article someone has for-sale.
'that's okay. I tell him. I've come to the conclusion it is better to be 'a little more needy' than 'a little more greedy'. Who are we to decide who needs the extra jingle more? ' God looks after our true needs and the rest is BONUS! Thank-you God, for caring about the 'little stuff' in our lives. 

My mixer has been broken for over a month and I saw exactly what I was looking for( a discontinued model) on an on-line buy-and-sell site but the mixer was in Toronto.(1&1/2 hrs away) 'that's okay', said the lady when I told her I would love to buy it but have no idea when I will be there! She told me she would wait and last week-end when we were in Toronto to look at my daughter's apartment we also got the mixer! I can bake again:) The lady told me she was so happy to sell it to the person who said 'I would like the mixer' and not 'I would like a better bargain' and she thanked me for that because she told me she tried to advertise it at a fair 'bargain. I really appreciated her thoughtful words...and I thanked God for caring about little details and allowing us 'breaks' not to fill our own pockets but so we have more to GIVE, not keep. Easier said than done but never too late to try.

Time has such a soft-subtle touch and sometimes it seems in the looking back we see more failure than triumph, but no, each moment is a grace gift, not to wallow or worry, but to worship and withstand! It is through failure and stumble we become wiser and humble...

Happy Friday!


  1. Thank you for sharing your shopping story, Janet - it was bull's eye encouragement for me(Tears literally welled up from my heart - good thing it's a quiet traffic morning in our office!)I struggle with the timing of a little house I have for sale, but God is faithful to remind that this is about more than logic of money and property - He has a bigger plan, & the timing will be perfect to bless the right buyer.
    Happy day!
    - Cyndy

  2. Cyndy,

    Thank YOU for sharing your story and for your understanding too. Yes, God is faithful but often we don't see it until we look back, just how faithful he has been. I will pray the right buyer comes at the right time for you.

    Hugs and prayers...and tears too:)

  3. A beautiful photo of spring's awakening and the poem is perfect. I enjoyed reading your story on things lost and things gained. God is good and supplies our needs when He thinks we need them. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Blessings, Pam

  4. Yes, spring is slowly, slowly unfolding in God's perfect time in spite of our impatience;)

    Thank-you for your words of encouragement. I appreciate them ever so deeply!

    God Bless and yes we will enjoy this first long week-end! you too!
    so far no rain, but COLD!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!