
Sunday, January 19, 2014


We know not what today may weave
Beneath skies down-cast or bright blue
But no matter where it leads
Lord, may it be a walk with You

The Unknown cradled in Your hands
Soon reveals its hill and hue
Familiar lanes or foreign lands
Lord, may it be a walk with You

Oh Lord, you never force our feet
We choose what we say and do
But, as today unfurls its street
Oh, may it be a walk with You

© Janet Martin

Our hue today? White. Very White with a forecast of...more white:)



  1. Janet, I just saw your comment over at InScribe. I'm very sorry I haven't taken the time to visit recently. Haven't felt like blogging as much recently.

    But, please, although I can well imagine the disappointment in the comment count for your beautiful poetry, I hope you won't stop sharing it, even if you decide not to blog it anymore.

    Please DON'T delete these exquisite works (as Violet said on InScribe) I do hope you have copies elsewhere.

    I am always taken with the beauty and wonder of your poetry, and marvel at how you can write such exquisite pieces.

    About this particular piece, is that photo of the long highway and mountains in the back somewhere in Alberta? Rockies? It so reminds me of roads I've traveled on too. Standing on the crest of that hill must have been breath taking.

    Wishing you a beautiful day...

  2. I wish I knew where this photo was taken. I love it too, but it is in a folder I have of favorites, before I included image source reference.

    Thank-you for your words of encouragement. For me its always a battle of the question of stewards-ship of my time, esp. when I can't exactly figure out why I blog other than this love/need to write and hopefully glorify God through poetry! The amount of comments has never really discouraged me because I don't comment on nearly everything I read(always seem to second-guess myself on if it comes out the way I mean;)...and no. even if I quit blogging I will continue to write. I always write in Micro-soft word then copy and paste. every so often I download on another hard-drive.

    Thank-you again for your words of encouragement and I wish you God's wisdom, joy and blsssing in return.

  3. Interested in trying a Guest Post on InScribe in 2014? One of your poetry pieces?

    I assume you're a member?

    Let me know. We'd love to have you.

  4. L) I'll think about it. A little soul-searching on poetry might be interesting! Yes, I'm a member.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!