
Monday, December 2, 2013

Conversation with a Thought...or not

You are a straggler so fond of the night
Ever a drifter of mist and moonlight
Chancellor, convict, I know not quite

You whisper and thus I move foot or hand
Villain or victor beneath your command
I am a warrior and battlefield, friend

If you are friend why must you try me so?
You are accuser, tormentor and foe
Testing my yeses and vexing my no’s

I am the one you can never deceive
Tester of truth and forerunner to deeds
Why do you charge me for what you believe?

Life’s fundamental begins with belief
Intangible yet of everything, chief
Anger and comfort align in your sheaf

Ah, how you soothe with the polish of word
Perhaps my sheaf harbors elixir and sword
You choose your weapon as you choose your lord

Nay, though I choose the one Lord I cannot
Keep demons and darkness from vexing my thought
Countless the battles and beasts we have fought

Ay, we are allies at odds from the start
Juxtaposed jury twixt mind and heart
You love me, despise me, we never can part

Where do you come from, inside of my head?
You’re here when I wake up, when I go to bed
Spinning you whispers in an eternal thread

I am the voice of a moment far-flown
I am your summer after it is gone
And I am your ‘go to’ when you are alone

Then you and I must go carefully, crawl
Seems when we race we always hit a wall
Sometimes I wonder if you notice at all

I simply go where you lead yet I find
That you always follow a half-breath behind
Pushing and pulling we go, wide-eyed, blind

I cannot outthink you, thought, like the air
You and I are an inseparable pair
I think I’ll put you to sleep with a prayer

Tomorrow I think we’ll do this and that
I wonder what I’ll buy for picky Aunt Pat
Perhaps a cake or a new winter hat
Or a cat
Nah, she wouldn’t like that…
She hates vacuuming cat hair off the mat
Oh, I just remembered the gas bill is due
And I really should pay the others bills too,
Oh dear, I forgot to call Sue
I think I’ll paint the bathroom blue,
I need to

QUIET! I’m trying to sleep…

Okay, I’ll try,
I’ll be a nice summer sky
With a gull drifting
Way up high
Over the ripple of turquoise lullaby
Sweeping the sand all warm with July…

I give up! I’ll just go with this nice warm July thing…

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!