
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We Cannot Choose

(The Canadian Press)

Oh that the whimsy of dew would fill up
Chalice of lily and gold butter-cup
Oh, that the sun would fly high in the sky
Beacon on back-drop of azure July
But we cannot choose a rain-drop’s descent
As earth over-flows with its silver lament

Oh, that the cloud could refrain for a while
Its rain-madrigal for the warmth of sun-smile
The wind moves its murmurs through drenched maple-tree
We place our murmurs in whispered prayer-plea
The moods of the morning we cannot refuse
Nor order the weather like a new pair of shoes

Goodness and mercy flow from Heaven’s throne
We see the moment; God sees the unknown
He tempers and tries our pronouncements of trust
Saints in the making from whispers of dust
We dare not grumble or challenge His Hand
But humbly submit to love’s perfect command

© Janet Martin

It is still raining...


  1. Such lovely flowing rhyme and meter. I especially love "We see the moment. God sees the unknown."

  2. Yes, we are....and we have no power at the moment ~

    Like that first verse ~

  3. Sending you hugs and prayers, Grace. Hang in there! What doesn't break us makes us stronger!

  4. Sherry, I was thinking of the 'whys'. Our community has been HAMMERED with tragedy, but we see in frames. God sees the WHOLE.

    Thank-you for your thoughts.

  5. Acceptance is the key, isn't it? And remembering that we can trust Him.


  6. Acceptance IS the everything. we can ruin so much if we don't! (sorry for the late response) our internet is very 'moody' right now. Often it is not working!

  7. Sweet assurance...thanks, Janet

  8. Glynis, You know this first-hand! and your attitude is an inspiration to all of us!

    Hey all, Buy the latest Chicken Soup Book to read Glynis's latest story in Lemons to Lemonade, as well as another friend Caroline Sealy (both in our writer's group) they chose to make lemonade out of life's 'lemons'.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!