
Friday, April 19, 2013

When the Earth is A-wash...

 This was my view from the kitchen window while making supper last night. We kept our eye on that cloud but it dissipated shortly after I took this photo into this...

When the earth is a-wash with blue rivers of spring
And the yard is a splash of verdant rendering
When each ditch is a brook and each stem bronze with bud
When young lads find heaven in meadows of mud
Then our dreams burgeon and hope is renewed
For surely the winter’s last blast is subdued

When robins are saucy in breast-coats of rust
When nooks wooded, mossy stir our wanderlust
When the breeze is imbibed with blush-pink apple-bloom
And trees are like brides all be-decked for the groom
Then we feel the joy of our care-freer hours
As spring comes a-dancing with arms full of flowers

When dark-days of winter expand then grow pale
Twixt autumnal splendor and spring-time’s regale
When we drink the nectar of sunshine and rain
And join in the laughter of violet-fringed lane
When daffodil-radiance beams from umber sod   
Then we sing for Spring and the mercy of God

© Janet Martin


  1. Goodness, this IS a scary cloud, Janet..glad it dissipated into lots of rain and a beautiful poem.

    We had a tornado watch (not warning)for a while yesterday - got rain, too.

  2. It WAS scary! Yes, it's that time of year again isn't it? Always thankful when the rain comes and the clouds 'relax' a little! So much of life is beyond our control. I sure am glad that you guys were okay too! We seem to get more tornado warnings than we used to.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!