
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday Thoughts on Love

With love
Not much else is needed
Without love
Everything isn’t enough


With love the smallest task is noble
Each humble home fit for a king
Without love the grandest castle
Is a sham of cold nothing


With love
We do not tally
Its effort or its cost
With love
We simply give and give
Leaving the rest to God


When all else fails
Trust love


When I think of God’s love for me
And what He gave on Calvary
My heart is touched with tender peace
Misgivings fade in sweet release


When I think of God’s love for me
And how He died to set me free
It seems foolish to think somehow
That He would overlook us now


With love we count our blessings
Without love we count our loss
True love begins with forgiveness of sins
As we behold the cross


If we love we have known God


Sometimes the weight of this old world
Would get the best of me
But when I hug my little girl
Love wins and sets me free


Sometimes life’s disappointments
Seems to come in ten-fold
But it is not so hard to bear
With love’s warm hand to hold


It is hard to simply trust
As faith is put to test
But if God so fully loved us
Then He knows what is best
For He did not, without a thought
Give His dear Son to die
But saw past Jesus' Suffering
Even to you and I
So when temptation bids us doubt
Or causes us to grieve
Remember what His promise is
To all who will believe


1 comment:

I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!