
Friday, March 22, 2013

The Love of God...a Praise sonnet

His gentle finger frustrate man’s design
For we see only fringes of His thought
Where nature’s petal-miracles align
With tempest tossing our dreams to naught
The schemes of our feigned humility
The crass rebellion of our stubborn pride
Can never alter His Supremacy
Or dis-annul the rivers from His side
Pouring to set the captive sinner free
He drank the gall of death for you and me

Look, look; redemption’s Lamb the Father chose
Is His own Darling; oh, how can it be
That He who formed the trillium and the rose
Offers Himself to die on Calvary?
Where mobs assault with ignorance, the grace
Of sin-chains loosed; death crushed beneath the flood
Of scarlet hope; they spit upon the face
Veiled red with teardrops from the Son of God
He died; the Savior of humanity

What greater thing than this can any boast?
The King of kings clothed in meekness dust-wrought
Suffered even to death love’s uttermost
His Mystery frustrates our groping thought
That He who breathed to being galaxies
Did not keep His Beloved at His side
But saw beyond the cross’s agonies
The intercession of the justified
Oh Lord, no greater love will ever be
Than Jesus Christ who sets the sinner free

© Janet Martin   

Jesus, Savior- Alison Krauss

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