
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hints of Spring

Fresh chives have sprouted and the lilac stem
Is jeweled with chartreuse and cinnabar gem
The sap from the maple tree trickles and sings  
The snowline recedes as the sun softly grins

The crocus is nudging, edging through the soil
With warm breeze suggesting a sweet garden-toil
The pasture of winter and frozen respite
Sheds its dazzling garment of glistening white

The farmer is whistling and watching each slope
Refurbished with passion of earth-scented hope
For this is the pleasure that overrides pain
Earth’s hard-earned treasure in gold-rippling grain

Plush pussy-willow, soft rose full-moon dusk
The air teased with whispers of sun-beam and musk
Sassy robin canticle drifts on the air
Spring hints its arrival but is detained somewhere…

© Janet Martin


  1. A hint would even be nice at this time. As Easter approaches I send you a simple thought for warmth and love. xo teri

  2. Since I wrote this the ground turned white:) Oh well, it's not too far off. Happy Easter and God bless!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!