
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Beautiful Comfort

 Matthew 6:9-13

For thine is the kingdom, the power and glory
Though ages, eons and eternities roll
Nothing and no one can succeed the power
Of He whose shed blood redeems man’s wretched soul

Compassion and mercy and grace fill his right Hand
Holiness, judgment and wrath fills His left
Love, perfect love without end or beginning
IS ever IS in the Rock that was cleft

He who created this transient existence
Will never fail; He is eternal God
He who beholds our stubborn resistance
Brushes with miracles earth’s sin-cursed sod

Into the sky He flings His awesome grandeur
Dawning and dusk flame with His holy power
Into our hearts He spills heavenly wonder
Saving us from Death’s shuttering hour

‘For thine is the kingdom, the power and glory
Forever and ever and ever, Amen’
Beautiful comfort amidst this world’s boasting
Jesus IS Lord, Savior, King of kings

© Janet Martin

Sometimes, as I pray the Lord’s Prayer these familiar words stun me with fresh wonder.

May you all have a blessed and holy Sunday.

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