
Monday, November 5, 2012

Words Are All We Have

We cannot wrench from the heart
It is an inherited seed
But we can fill its hungry lair
With whispered thought
Turned into prayer

We cannot spell our thought but with this;
Within its twisted ink the heart is stirred
Yet, there is One who hears our wordless sigh
Within a prayer
We spill its cry

We cannot stem longings restless
With things; they never fill the want inside
But we can shape
Our feeble plea
Into prayerful humility

We cannot tug from the unknown its
But we can trust in Love that will not fail
And as we reach into the seamless air
We can place our longing, need and hope
Within a prayer

© Janet Martin

‘Words, words, words’, I said yesterday, to no one in particular as I was listening to something. ‘Sometimes I get so tired of words’.

And without missing a beat Victoria pipes up, ‘but words are all we have!’

 (my silly little sunshine:)


  1. Another beautiful poem from the porch!

    Thanks Janet for all your words.

    Quite the smile of sunshine shining through there. :)

  2. It's not the kind of picture I would normally post but I could not resist:) She is such a goof! and every day sunshine no matter how cold and dull its is outside. (We took the pic after church yesterday. Hubby said he needs a 'fresh one' for his truck. I really, really HATE posing.)

  3. Janet - once again your prayer filled words mark my heart. Indeed words however feeble are the path toward connection. I am thankful for the grace of God to fill in the gaps. So many gaps.

    And that is a smashing photo! Pose away my dear, you look marvelous.

  4. teri, you know how to make a dull housewife's day:)

    I'm am so grateful for my God who fills in the GAPING gaps of my life. I could not get out of bed in the morning if I did not have that sweet peace.

  5. OE, so true! Whether full or hollow, whether housewife, poet or politician, words are all we have:)

    Thank-you for your thoughts~


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!