
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mien Liebling Daag (My Darling Day)

Poetics Aside Prompt: Use a foreign word in the title of your poem

My darling day, do you not know?
Sometimes it’s hard to see you go
But deft the dawning disappears
Shaping life’s moments into years
For soon the twilight comes again
To dirge of dismal autumn rain
Yet, soon its somber melody
Will simply be a memory

Oh, we may strain against the tide
But time sustains its rigid stride
And soon dawn’s surge of zeal and zest  
Fades with the daylight in the west
And soon the boy becomes a man
None can escape Time’s subtle hand
For swift the evening shade is cast
And present moment becomes past

The ebb and flow of come and go
The limbo twixt wonder and woe
Has fortified a keen belief
The price for love’s sweet joy is grief
The bliss of having bears a cross
With it we learn to suffer loss
And in the contrasts of love’s grip
Life’s pure and liebling moments slip

Mein liebling daag, my darling day
My interlude to come-what-may
My love and longing rivalry
Of what has been to what will be
But oh *mein schatzi; liebster; freund
We dance, we cannot change the mind
Of living's little smile and strife
Or moment's as they shape a life

© Janet Martin

German; my treasure, darling, friend
Liebster is darling for a man
Liebling is darling for a woman

1 comment:

I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!