
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Of Empty Beaches...and Love

another Sonnet...

Across the canvas of this little day
The purple of fall’s waning hour creeps
As we recall the cerulean deeps
Of summer where life’s tender echoes splay

The sea rushes across the quiet beach
Where shrieks of children-laughter tunes our thought
Enlarging the expanse of what is not
And what remains forever out of reach

To love, and then let go is love’s great test
For what we truly love we never own
Yet, if we love we’ll never be alone
When time extends its hand with love's request

I hold you close in spite of what I know
God, give me strength when it’s time to let go

© Janet Martin


  1. This one really speaks to me, Janet. I so know the feeling..........what a stunning photo too. Sigh. Loved this post.

  2. There's something wildly ecstatic and sad about an empty beach, isn't there?

    Thank-you so much for your visit and your words!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!