
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Minnesang... Emaciation

Poetic Bloomings invites us to attempt a Minnesang
The MINNESANG (Middle High German - minne = love) is a courtly love poem. But it was usually depicting unrequited love. The verse was cultivated by the nobility, and often built around the theme of a brave knight's attempt to court a lady who doesn't return his favor.
The Minnesang was meant to be sung but the melodies were not well documented and mostly only lyrics are left.
The defining features of the Minnesang are:

You keen my senses, remove my defenses
Ravish perception like a tree in the fall
My mind is blind to half-love recompenses
I drink foolish hope from its chalice half-full
While subtly you strip the smile from my lip
I remain, a devoted beggar on your fingertip

Beneath your caress, casually you undress
The dearest and deepest measures of my heart
But I am a fool and oh, you are so cool
I gulp the pleasure purposed blindness imparts
While you seem to linger just out of my reach
From the tip of your finger I beg and beseech

You move through me, an invisible tempest
While my wanton tears wash your body; your feet
I do not feel the chill of disinterest
Until you have stripped me; your mission complete
I cannot hide; my emaciated form
Stands exposed; naked limbs reach to embrace sorrow’s storm

© Janet Martin


  1. Yuriy: I wonder what was that, Janet... It is so profound and hidden inside the stem of yours.
    It is when 'which' wishes to be 'who'. I've shed a load of the saddest emotions with these tormenting lines and even lost to follow "the instructions" above about unrequited love that added only confusion to my shock. It was near to trance state... Speechless. Am I so sensitive?

  2. Yuriy, thank-you for feeling it, although I intended no sorrow, such is poetry:)

    This one, of all the poems I wrote today poured from the pen of a fool:)in full emotion.

  3. make this form look so easy. I love where you've taken us and your close:

    "Until you have stripped me; your mission complete
    I cannot hide; my emaciated form
    Stands exposed; naked limbs reach to embrace sorrow’s storm"

    So emotive.

    The collage of the tree above is so apropos....all these seasons we experience.

    I enjoyed this very much, Janet.

    I apologize for being so distant...I've been trying to balance life a little bit.

    Warm smiles to you my friend and God's blessings always!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!