
Monday, July 30, 2012

The Barred Gate

We can’t return to the ‘before’
There is no back-to-history door
We cannot retrace one hour
Nor force to bud again, the flower

We cannot undo the ‘done’
Or retrieve a moment gone
Onward, upward is this climb
We cannot go back in time

Swift these transient morsels slip
Fleeting vapor on the lip
Over ramparts we have built
Pleasure, victory, shame or guilt

We can’t return to the ‘before’
Yesterday has sealed its door
Live well the moment you are in
For it will not pass again

© Janet Martin


  1. Beautiful way to look at the now!
    There is so much to enjoy in the moment. We lose when we reflect back or try to see a glimpse of forward~

    I loved your words, these spoke to me:
    "Wwift these transient morsels slip
    Fleeting vapor on the lip
    Over ramparts we have built
    Pleasure, victory, shame or guilt"

  2. no back-to-history door
    transient morsels
    Fleeting vapor on the lip
    Yesterday has sealed its door
    I am returning to "the before" :)
    can’t return to the ‘before’
    cannot retrace one hour
    force to bud again, the flower
    undo the ‘done’
    Onward, upward is this climb
    cannot go back in time

    All lovely expressions. good...

  3. Ella, thank-you so much!

    Grace, you have encouraged me today with your many kind comments. thank-you!

  4. I couldn't but admire your thoughts in poetry. Don't know if you notice this late and present remark of mine on this page as I've accidentally jumped over "the barred gate". You may visit my blog:

    Yuriy Ku (Drop)

  5. Yuriy, thank-you for visiting. You have a very cool blog. I will return to read more later. Saturday duties hail:)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!