
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love Times Two...dedicated to would-be Housewives

Here’s to those who would love to be
Stay-at-home housewives
But the sting of debt’s eternity
Alters their envisioned lives
Where drawers of monthly bills reside
Ignorant of hope’s backward slide
After multiple addition and subtraction
Leaving but one inevitable option
She must go to work another year
And spurn the wish of staying here
With her children and her house
With balls and books and Mickey Mouse
Privately, her teardrops fall
She does her best and that is all
That anyone can hope to do
The rind and grind of love times two
They push beyond their weary grief
To give the best that they can give

© Janet Martin

Someone left a comment today on my  Allotment of Bliss poem that I simply cannot forget . This poem is to the brave, unsung heroes of those 'would-be housewives'. God Bless~


  1. I like the quiet drama in this. Well done.

  2. Privately, her teardrops fall
    She does her best and that is all
    That anyone can hope to do

    Love these lines, Janet and all!! Amen to what the commenter true. It is definitely a blessing to be able to stay at home. :)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!