
Monday, July 9, 2012

International Housewives' Day

Today is International Housewives’ Day
We will acknowledge the domestic ranks
For months and years and centuries
They have toiled with paltry thanks
Many are ignorant of her worth
They spurn the thought of mundane chores
Considered low-balls of the earth
Fit for cleaning drawers and floors
Orange rind from the coffee table
All the clutter as it falls
They think that she is merely able
To wash dishes, clothes or walls

But this is International Housewives’ Day
So we will shout her accolades
Eternity will owe her pay
For all the beauty she creates
She fills a home with simple joy
Not for monetary wealth
But for the love of girl or boy
For home and happiness and health
She toils in sweet obscurity
Subtracting nothing from her worth
No sting of shame encumbers she
For housewives are salt of the earth

Here’s to housewives the world over! Cheers!

© Janet Martin

Sunday Whirl



  1. I celebrate this day everyday. A wonderful tribute and not a terrible idea at that! Salt of the earth? Indeed! Great worlde< Janet.

  2. Walt, I always knew you were one of a kind! thank-you! So glad to hear that things are on the up-swing with you.

  3. Salt and Sugar of the Earth! I second the motion, if the holiday doesn't exist...Which reminds me, I have a kitchen sink that needs attending...but I'd rather be reading Wordles :) ...Now to venture to the other entry...

    I'm here (only one so far):

  4. Forgive me Janet, but I first read your title as "Irrational Housewive's Day" :)

    Yes, cheers to all housewives.

  5. The word housewives really took many of us for a spin. Filling a home with simple joy, oh yes. Love the images you found! .

  6. What a wonder-filled way to celebrate housewives! (The word, by the way, seems to be taking its leave of our common vocabulary. I wonder what, if anything, will replace it.)

    A Brief Whirl


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!