
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Season of Life

Poetics aside Prompt:  Seasonal Poem

Season of Trust

Since we are not heavenly creatures
but of dust
we go through times and seasons
where all we can do trust

When you asked me the if's and why's and 'but's
I fell upon my knees
and cried out, God, oh help me trust
You; please, please, please


 Season of Forgiveness

I can hold onto resentment and anger
refusing to forgive

or I can accept your apology,
and know what it is to live


 Season of Hope

A new day dawns
Opportunity waits
The best to come
Pours from its gates


Season of Patience

We cannot rush
the bud from its pod
The bloom would be mangled and marred
We cannot push
Beyond the will of God
But wait: even when it is hard


Season of Love

It fills me with pleasure
But even greater pain
It drives me to hope
When hoping seems vain

Oh beautiful, tormenting
My hollow, my fulness
Joy, misery

I strained to see Love
As I wept of its loss
God opened my eyes
And showed me a cross


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