
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

100% Crazy

The way you unzip my heart
with your half-grin words
the way you undo my will
in an almost perfect hurt
the way you touch me
from a thousand miles away
drives me 100% crazy
every day

the way you lure me
with vowels and consonants
holding me captive
without resistance
because the seduction of poetry
will have its way
and drive me 100 % crazy
every day

what perfect torment
of soul you have stirred
in the inexplicable haunting of
unwritten word
for Muse oft elusive
will have her way
and drive me 100% crazy
every day


Poetics Aside Prompt: 100%....something

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, Janet, I do so identify!!!!! You must be my twin in this way; and I love this poem.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!