
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Extended Grace

The night has fled, its somber shroud
Is swallowed by the plea
Of amber and magenta cloud
Spreading across the sea
Above this sphere a robe of cheer
Dissolves in rampant glow
To touch the heart, melting ramparts
Of fear and doubt and woe

Behold the glory of the Son
Reach out; inhale His grace
As mercy tumbles from Love's throne
To every hiding place
Of old and young in kindred tongue
The universe declares
That there is none, like heaven’s own
Whose wonderment compares

He stirs the fringes of deep night
Where moon and stars reside
He overrules the dark with Light
As night and morn collide
Across the earth hope’s grand re-birth
Extends this scope of Grace
We lift our eyes to glorious skies
To glimpse the Giver’s face

© Janet Martin

He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.(Matt.5:45)


  1. I read this on ChristArt. You have always had a way with words. I don't always leave a comment but I sometimes read your poetry to challenge myself. "Extended Grace" is real good and deserves 1st place. I pray you get it.

  2. WOW Louis! Long time no 'see'! Thank-you so much for your kind encouragement. I appreciate your comments.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!