
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Till Death Doth Part (Wedding Anniversary Poem)

Till death doth part, love’s solemn vow
Pledged oft in untried youth
But it reveals endurance now
In silver-haloed truth

Till death doth part, only God sees
Life’s breadth beneath the sun
As hands join in love’s mysteries
Uniting two in One

Will you be faithful, tender, true
In sickness and in health,
To love and cherish all life through
The other to yourself?

No beauty passes love’s refrains
As life proves words once spoken
Midst smiles and tears love’s vow remains
A pure and priceless token

Till death doth part, oh who can know
When love’s vow must surrender?
As one is called upon to go
Thus severing cords so tender

Till death doth part, oh may it be
And never our undoing
Then oh, what joyful victory
Will comfort teardrops flowing

Name and Name, God bless you
We thank-you Father, Mother
For showing love faithful and true
And always, to each other

Till death doth part, love’s solemn vow
Pledged oft in untried youth
But you reveal its beauty now
In silver-haloed truth

© Janet Martin~

Written for my sister's in-law's who are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary in March, Lord willing.


  1. Very meaningful and lovely post.. I hope their love endures ~

    I must say you are a prolific writer ~

  2. This is beautiful, Janet. I do hope you share with them this heartfelt poem.

  3. such a romantic anniversary poem you have there. I was thinking if I can use some of those verses as my anniversary wishes for husband as we will soon celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Thanks a lot!

  4. Jewel,

    Thank-you so much for your kind words:) You are more than welcome to use these verses.

    Happy Anniversary!..and I wish you many more.

  5. I agree with Jewel, that poem is very beautiful. It can be used as wedding anniversary messages for cards. Very touching and heartfelt.


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