
Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 'I Can' ABC's

I Can…

Because of

His assurance and assistance

His body and blood

His comfort and compassion

His death and His deliverance

His encouragement and endurance

His forgiveness and faithfulness

His Grace, guidance, goodness and Gift

His hope, His hands

His invitation and inspiration

His justification and joy

His kindness and knowledge

His love and Light

His mercy and might

His Name and His nearness

His omnipotence and order

His plan, promise, power, purpose and patience

His quiet and his quickened Word

His redemption and resurrection and righteousness

His salvation and strength

His tenderness and temperance

His understanding and unity

His victory and vision

His wisdom and will

His X-ample,

His yoke and His yea

His zeal and Zenith

Because of God

I can!

Janet Martin

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13


  1. Janet- This is amazing and so creative... a wonderful way to start the first week of the new year.

  2. Thank-you Laurie, It struck me that the only thing holding us back is ourselves...we can!

  3. Breathtakingly beautiful, true and so innovative

  4. Than-you BH. I hope when I hear myself saying I can't...I remember that through Christ, I can!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!