
Monday, January 2, 2012

Contemplating Kindness

Kindness is a lovely flower
One cannot force its seed
But there is nothing like the power
Of kindness touching need

Kindness is a lovely bloom
It needs no pot or bowl
Its fragrance fills the dreary room
And cheers the down-cast soul

Kindness is a stunning rose
Of pure and humble beauty
Its root in selfless visage grows
And never out of duty

Kindness is a lovely flower
All can afford its splendor
In every season, every hour
Its bloom is fair and tender


I brag unashamedly about our neighbors because we have the best in the world!
My apologies to the rest of you;))
It’s a blessing easily taken for granted, but I was reminded of this as I heard the snow-blower and Victoria asked, ‘Did you call them or are they just being kind?’
‘It’s a beautiful act of kindness,’ I replied.
“WE have the best neighbors, don’t we?’ her eyes sparkle.
“Yes, we do” I smile and pray a special blessing on them.


  1. Truly, it is wonderful when someone sees a need and helps out without being asked. You do have good neighbors, and I am sure you are one as well.

  2. Mary, your kindness shines in your poetry, in your comments. Thank-you.

  3. I love the topic of kindness. Wonderful poem and terrific neighbors.

  4. Yes Sherri, Kindness is that pebble dropped with far-reaching ripples. My neighbors remind me constantly of it beauty.
    Thank-you for your visit.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!