
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

If Life Hands You Lemons...or Limes

Accolades and words of boast

are not testimonies sub-lime

to prove the things we love the most;

but how we spend our time

I thought of you the other day

And how you used to kiss me

Before you turned and walked away

Limes always do this to me

If life hands you its lemons

Then make some lemonade

If it hands you limes instead

Drizzle it on bean-salad

(it really is delicious on bean salad)

Do not keep score of failures

It is a waste of time

Sometimes life is the gravy

And sometimes salt and lime



  1. :) - very good, Janet! Nice take on the prompt.

  2. Nice; tasty; delicious. Love the metaphors. x

  3. Thanks Earlybird and Glynis, I'm not sure if I adhered to all the rules in the prompt(no adjectives, adverbs or similes) but I had some light-hearted fun:)

  4. I went into hysterics when read, "Drizzle it on bean-salad." Talk about a change in direction. I'm still laughing.

  5. Yeah, it was kind of a nasty turn, wasn't it? I didn't really laugh though:) I have to confess I kinda cringe when I read it, but oh well...If it can't be good old fun once in a while then why bother, right?


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!