
Friday, April 29, 2011


Somewhere a prince and princess are wed
Somewhere disaster victims bury their dead
Somewhere we hear joy in the wedding bell
Somewhere it tolls with sorrow’s knell

Somewhere love lights the lover’s eyes
Somewhere a lonely lover cries
Somewhere there is feasting, celebration and mirth
While somewhere loved ones are laid in the earth

There is a time for everything under the sun
Rejoicing and weeping thread the same dawn
…somewhere a bride slips off her ring
Somewhere a princess weds a king


Last night on CNN I saw the images of disaster in Alabama
...this morning I turned it on to see images of celebration and royalty.
I was struck by the contrast and it reminded me of Eccl. 3


  1. So good. ,very much my thoughts too today

  2. Janet! This gave me goosebumps! It's beautiful...and VERY very true!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!